Access Job class
Albert Einstein said, “To do the same thing and expect a different result is the definition of insanity.”
How many of you do the same thing over and over again and expect things to change? Is it time for something different?
This 3-day BUSINESS Class will give you new tools and processes for change in all areas of business and money. This class is an invitation to create more and be more.
The definition of being different is: not the same as another or each other.
What if you knew more about business than you were willing to recognize and accept? What if you never gave up, never gave in, never quit, and always produced and created?
The way you think about your business (and your life) can make or break it.
You have an unlimited (and often unattainable) capacity to create a financial reality that works for you. ~
Are you ready to reach your limitless capacities... There are no prerequisites to join this class.
Duration of Training: 6 Time
Individual Training Fee: 0 ₺
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