Esma-ul Husnas
What does Esma-ul Husna mean? Esmas are the attributes belonging to Allah. It means the most beautiful names of Allah. Each name of Allah is a source of energy. Everything that exists in the world from health to sustenance, the whole order exists in the essences. Each and every essence that exists is encoded in our DNA. And this is manifested in different proportions in each of us. When we recite these essences at the right rate, we can charge the aspects that we find lacking in ourselves by increasing these energies.
Esmas carry effects both in terms of neuro and quantum field.
The universe is based on mathematics. Everything is mathematical. Many things that seem very spiritual and spiritual to you are actually mathematical and physical. There is the golden ratio everywhere in the universe, time is measured in the world we live in, this universe, which has a quantum (particle) structure, vibrates with certain rhythms and is like the sound of music coming from the same note and is mathematical. There are also scientific studies and findings on the effects of Esmas.
Human beings seek various solutions for various problems. Esmas are intermediaries and energy bags that offer solutions to humanity in terms of their effects.
We can easily benefit from the Esmas in every aspect of our lives. However, as in many studies, it is necessary to use the Esma application correctly and appropriately.
With this training, the meaning, meaning, usage area, number, etc. of each Esma will be learnt correctly and Esmas will enter our lives with the correct usage.
Names have holistic effects on us. With the use of names and Esmas, the effects of the names can be eliminated and more beautiful effects can be obtained by working with the Esmas of the names. Likewise, negative effects reflected from the zodiac signs can also be eliminated with Esma work. We can benefit from Esmas and their beautiful effects in many more subjects.
Esma-ul Husna Education Subjects (1st LEVEL)
- What is Energy and Quantum and what does it do?
- What is the Universal System?
- Esmas and Energy
- Brain Synapses and Esmas
- Sufism and Other Uses
- Qur'an, Hadith and Esmas
- Esma Sources
- Types of Mana and Reading Types
- Esma and Development Effects
- Word, Suggestion, Virt Esma and DNA
- Subconscious and Esmas
- Cemal and Celal Esma Analysis
- Esma Groups and Adjectives
- Comprehensive Esma-ul Husna Analysis and Reflections
- Esma-ul Husna Ways of Working
- Cosmic Field and Esma Approach
- 99 Esma Meanings and Fields
- Esma, Brain and Cosmic Influence Approaches
- Sufism and Letter Secrets
- Detailed Esma-ul Husna Table
- Correct Pronunciation of Esmas
- Esma Days and Special Hours
- Wants, Needs and Esma Application
- Meanings of Esmas
- Secrets of Esmas
- Benefits of Esmas
- Characteristics of Esmas
- Special Esma Reading Numbers
- Our organs and Esmas
- Diseases and Esma Application
- Horoscopes and Esmas, Esma Application
- Esma Applications
- Combination Esmas
- Esma Therapy
- Numbers and Esmas
Duration of Training: 12 Time
Individual Training Fee: 0 ₺
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