Steps to Awakening
You are asleep to the extent that you believe in the illusions of reality offered to you by the world and matter.
You may not realise that you are in a dream no matter how much you have been involved in events, if you have been under the bondage of emotions and thoughts, if you have fallen into a virtual sleep within the illusions of light. However, when you realise that life is on the one hand a holographic simulation and on the other hand an opportunity full of very important realisations, awakenings begin. With the realisation of each new state, the light bulbs of awakening light up one by one and call you from the state of zan to the state of ‘moment’.
‘Steps of Awakening’ is a journey to the junction of enlightenment and realities.
Duration of Training: 2 Time
Individual Training Fee: 0 ₺
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