Masculine and Feminine
Masculine and Feminine are two complementary elements of unity. Good and evil, beautiful and ugly, male and female, day and night are a Whole in complementary movement and transformation.
We may not be able to see the truth fully without realising whether light gives birth to darkness or darkness gives birth to light.
We can heal by realising the distorted feminine and masculine principles in women and men, and we can meet with our light by embracing our dark sides. This workshop is a journey to recognise and heal the functioning of masculine and feminine principles and their reflections on our lives.
Where do you see yourself in life?
Imbalances in masculine and feminine energy lie behind the cyclical problems in our lives. Masculine and feminine principles determine all balances related to life, ourselves, other people, nature, our work; our family, money, diet.
Although human beings are biologically divided into male and female sexes, psychically and energetically they are formed by the combination of masculine and feminine energy fields in different proportions.
If you are experiencing problems in your relationships, communication and do not know how to break the cycle, if you have weight problems that have become cyclical and you are determined to solve them once and for all,
If you have problems in making decisions in life, realising your decisions, taking steps, if you have financial problems, if it is difficult to earn and keep what you earn, if you are not aware of your boundaries, if it is not easy to draw healthy boundaries, this workshop is for you.
What will we do in this workshop?
As human beings, we will realise an inner compass that guides us regardless of gender, time and space, and all kinds of conditions. We will learn masculine and feminine principles in life, we will deeply contact with our emotions, we will realise a workshop with solutions, support works, examples from our lives.
We can look at life wisdom as a process that exists in life. Life is a constantly growing and developing adventure with the human being who awakens from the inside out. The balance of inner harmony, peace, sense of integrity, inner peace, material and spiritual reflects on our whole world.
While our universe moves with the value differentiation of positive and negative principles, the supporters of light or darkness feed and serve their opposites.
As you understand how and why light and darkness serve you, you progress on the path of making the two ‘One’.
This progress takes you to the meeting.
Let's meet in beauty in unity.
Masculine and Feminine are two complementary elements of unity. Good-bad, beautiful-ugly, male-female, day-night are a Whole in complementary movement and transformation.
We may not be able to see the truth fully without realising whether light gives birth to darkness or darkness gives birth to light.
We can heal by realising the distorted feminine and masculine principles in men and women, and we can meet with our light by embracing our dark sides. While our universe moves with the value differentiations of positive and negative principles, the supporters of light or darkness feed and serve their opposites.
As you understand how and why light and darkness serve you, you progress on the path of making the two ‘One’.
This progress takes you to the meeting.
Let's meet in beauty in unity.
Duration of Training: 7 Time
Individual Training Fee: 0 ₺
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